Albany-Nijmegen sister city connection deepens
Paul Grondahl in the Times Union of August 30, 2017 about…

Skype contact Nijmegen – Albany schools.
Students from Nijmegen and American sister city Albany will have…

Present at the US Election Breakfast in the Hague.
Thank you for the invitation, mr. Shawn Crowley, US Charge d’Affaires…

A salute to U.S. war heroes
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union, August 5, 2016
Bridge, The Crossing,…

In Nijmegen, Albany’s sister city, 45,000 walk their way to world peace
Photo Ger Loeffen.
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union…

City that gave Albany its tulips knows how to party
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union July 27, 2016
Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Thousands greet ‘hero’ marchers in Nijmegen, Albany’s sister city
By Paul Grondahl, Times Union, 22 july 2016
Centennial four-day…

50,000 walkers from 100 countries invade Nijmegen, Albany’s Dutch sister city
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union - July 18, 2016
Reporter taking…

Walk for peace and partying
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union - July 18, 2016
Dutch festival…

World War II-era Dutch film thanking Albany for aid found
By Paul Grondahl/Times Union - April 7, 2016
City sent supplies…